Thursday 11 October 2018

Avoid Buying a Policy from These Insurance Agents

With so many insurance agents in Weston and other regions of Florida, it isn’t easy to choose the one that understands your needs. While choosing an agent, make sure he/she is experienced, possesses the local knowledge, and is associated with multiple companies.

If he/she possesses the following traits or is showing the following behaviors, avoid buying your policy from him/her.

Not explaining the product
There are two reasons why some shady agents don’t explain the policy in detail. First, they are not aware of the details. Second, they feel that some points in the policy will stop you from buying it.

They will not show references
Ask for references when choosing your agent. If they are not willing to show you the letter or recommendations, avoid working with them. Such agents also prevent you from talking to their clients.

They sell only one type of coverage
Such agents feel that one policy suits every individual. This isn’t true, as every individual has unique expectations, lifestyle, and budget. Some of them also get more commission from a particular company or policy, due to which they will suggest the same to everyone.

They persuade you to buy unnecessary riders
No doubt riders can offer several benefits, but not every rider is suitable for you. Before adding them to your policy, make sure they aren’t a waste of money.

For insurance in Davie, Florida, you can trust the agents from Florida Insurance Marketers. Learn more about their insurance solutions from here:

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Ensure your property in Parkland, Florida is insured to its full value

Isn’t it surprising that 70 percent of homes in the US are undervalued by around 10-15 percent? This fact was reported by the firm Marshall & Swift/Boeckh. Now, you might be wondering: how to avoid such situation while buying home insurance in Parkland.

We will help you by offering tips in this regard.

Review the policy regularly

Policy review should be done once a year. This ensures your coverage is in accordance with the rising cost of construction and construction.

Raise the coverage after remodeling

Your insurance agent will help in this process. When you remodel your property, its value increases. It comes crucial to keep a track of the difference in the value.

Offer a detailed description of the property to your agent 

This includes telling about the layout, size, and other essential features of the home. The unique features of a property often add to its value. By sharing the complete information with your agent, you can be sure that he/she will take an informed decision on your behalf

Choose a local agent for homeowner’s insurance

This gives you an added advantage, as the local agents are well aware of the locality you are staying in. They will craft the policy as per the value of the homes in your area.

You can rely upon Florida Insurance Marketers for your homeowner’s insurance needs in Parkland, Florida. Learn more about their insurance solutions from here: You can also get a free quote by filling a form on the website.  

Thursday 30 August 2018

Questions that newlyweds should ask regarding their insurance policies

A lot of newlyweds from Parkland, Florida don’t realize but it is crucial to reconsider the insurance needs and analyze the policies immediately after getting married. Here are some essential questions one must consider to get the most of their insurance policies.

Is the homeowner’s policy combined yet?

To avoid duplicating the policies, you need to update and consolidate the renters/homeowners policy after your wedding. For this purpose, go through both the policies and cancel the one with high premium and less coverage.

Have we examined our health insurance needs?

Having a combined health insurance also comes with plenty of benefits. Examine the coverage and costs of the policies and have a word with your company’s professional to get suitable option. In most cases, you get 60 days after wedding to modify an existing plan.

Did we update the beneficiaries on our papers?

It is the right time to update the name of the beneficiary and emergency contact on each of your policies.

Should be insure our ring?

The engagement ring, which is associated with so many emotions, never comes cheap. There are several riders available with the policies to insure this precious item.

We hope that these questions will help you optimize your insurance requirements after exchanging vows. If you are still confused or want to look for suitable options, you can trust Parkland, Florida-based Florida Insurance Marketers for your needs. Learn more about the services of this consultant from here:

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Insurance Tips for First Time Home Buyers

Buying your first home is one of the life’s biggest decisions. This decision is often associated with several decisions, among which getting right insurance policy should be of prime importance. Due to lack of knowledge in this domain, one tends to purchase wrong plan for which he/she gets inappropriate coverage in spite of paying a lot in the form of premiums.

To help you make an informed decision, we offer tips for buying your first home insurance in Parkland, Florida.

Don’t ignore the home inspection

Take the help of a home inspector to locate hidden problems that might cost a lot of money. You will also get some idea on improving your property to reduce cost of the policy. Take the support of your insurance representative for this purpose.

Don’t leave it to the last minute

Your hunt for the right policy should begin as soon as you close the deal related to the home you are purchasing. As it may sound hassled to immediately look for the different policies, you can consult an agent for this purpose.

Bundle your policy

Several companies offer discount when you purchase all types of insurance policies from them, such as home insurance, car insurance, and life insurance.

For all your homeowner’s insurance in Parkland, Florida, you can also connect with our team. To learn more about how we simplify the process of buying insurance, check this link: Or, call us at this number: 855-378-8909.

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Reputable Insurance Company from Parkland, Florida

There is no dearth of insurance companies in the US. If we specifically talk about Florida, you will find plenty of firms that claim to be the best in this domain. But, are they really worth taking the chance?

To help you choose the best insurance company in Florida, check these tips:

Check for complaints

State departments of insurance regular the complaints related to life insurance companies. You can also visit the searchable database of National Association of Insurance Commissioners to check the complaints against a specific company.

Take the support of the professionals

It is a common practice to purchase the policy through a broker or an agent. And this practice is a good one, as they help you take wise decision by telling you the right insurance by your budget and requirements. They also explain the difficult insurance-related terms, along with the do’s and don’ts of policies.

Check the ratings

By checking the rating of a company, you can gauge its financial health. Various third party organizations are involved in the financial analysis of insurance firms. You can check their reports online. Visiting the local library or connecting via phone also helps you doing the same.

Learn about the terminology

This will serve two advantages. First, you will understand the fine print of the policy without much difficulty. Second, you can check the reputation of a company online or offline easily.

If are looking for reputable insurance company fromParkland, Florida, you can rely upon Florida Insurance Marketers. Learn what makes them so trustworthy from here:

Monday 18 June 2018

You credit score affects your homeowner’s insurance

You might have heard that remodeling, location and safety devices affect the premium of your home insurance. But, did you know that your credit score also decides how much you are going to pay in the form of premium? A lot of home insurance companies from Weston, Florida also consider this factor.

When assessing the individual risk, most of the insurers rely on statistics. These insurers have observed that policyholders who firm more claims are mostly the ones with lower credit scores. This is what Federal Trade Commission also reported in one of their study.

There are various factors that have a positive impact on credit-based score, such as low credit usage, no late payments, multiple credit and bank accounts in good standing, etc. Similarly, there are also factors that affect credit-based score. Some of these factors include multiple applications for credit, multiple past-due accounts, bank/credit accounts in collections, and high use of available credit.

If you are seeking the steps for improvement, you can begin by having information of credit health. Check the credit report after four-six months.  What else you can do is limit the hard inquiries into your credit, especially till the score can handle them. It is also wise to keep the debt levels low. You must also pay the household bills on a timely basis.

Your insurance advisor can also suggest how to keep the credit score. If you are searching homeowners insurance in Parkland, Florida, connect with us for the same. Learn more about our home insurance solutions: 

Monday 11 June 2018

How To Increase Home Insurance Savings

What if we told you that smoking is bad? We know that you know about its detrimental effects on health. But, do you know that it is also bad when it comes to homeowners insurance. A lot of insurers consider smoking at home as a risk, as it often result in fires. Therefore, by quitting smoking, you can save both your health and your premium. With options like vaping, it is not a difficult task anymore. You can also connect with a trusted homeowner’s insurance provider from Weston, Florida to know how to get the discounts.

If you are planning to remodel your home, security and safety should be your top priority. Apart from reducing the possibilities of vandalism and theft, such practices play a crucial role in getting discounts from the insurer. Well, you need to inquire with your insurer regarding the same, as most of them won’t offer it on their own.

When you plan to pay premiums monthly, the charges like administration fees or financing are also incurred on you. Save such additional fees by paying premiums in advance.

It should come as no brainer that comparing insurance quotes enables you to choose the plan with best prices. Take out few minutes to check the policies from different sources. There are also provisions of getting quotes online if you feel that calling or visiting the insurers is irritating.

For those searching homeowners insurance in Davie, Florida, connect with Florida Insurance Marketers. Get more details from here: 

Avoid Buying a Policy from These Insurance Agents

With so many insurance agents in Weston and other regions of Florida, it isn’t easy to choose the one that understands your needs. While...